
Top 5 Must-See Spots in Dubai for Junior Techs Keen on Robotics

Dubai has emerged as a leading global hub for technology and innovation in recent years. The city offers state-of-the-art infrastructure, research facilities, and opportunities that make it an exciting destination for junior tech enthusiasts to explore their interests, especially in cutting-edge fields like robotics.

There are a number of reasons why Dubai appeals to young people keen on robotics:

  • Dubai is home to several world-class universities and research centers focused on STEM fields like robotics. These include institutions like the Rochester Institute of Technology Dubai, the American University in Dubai, Khalifa University, etc.
  • A number of technology companies and startups working on robotic technologies have set up bases in Dubai. Working with them provides great exposure for budding tech talent.
  • Dubai frequently hosts major international conferences, summits and exhibitions related to artificial intelligence, robotics, drones and other future technologies. These serve as great learning platforms.
  • The UAE government has pledged support to develop Dubai as a leading center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This includes funding for projects in areas like AI and robotics.

Let’s look at the top 5 must-see hotspots in Dubai that junior techies keen to pursue robotics should definitely check out.

Top 5 Must-See Spots in Dubai for Junior Techs Keen on Robotics

1. Location: Safestway Building on Sheikh Zayed Road

The Safestway Building located on the bustling Sheikh Zayed Road is home to a technology focused entrepreneurship center called In5 Tech. The center is dedicated to supporting startups in fields like robotics, drones, AI and IoT.

In5 Tech occupies five floors of the Safestway Building over 30,000 square feet. Some of the key facilities that make it a must-visit destination for budding junior robotics enthusiasts include:

  • State-of-the-art labs, workshops and tech infrastructure for robotics startups
  • Mentorship programs including tailored sessions on robotics
  • Business incubation batches focusing specially on robotics and automation
  • Networking sessions with investors and industry experts in robotics
  • Showcasing platforms like Gitex Future Stars where young innovators can demonstrate robotics prototypes

The location of the Safestway Building on Sheikh Zayed Road gives it excellent connectivity to the rest of Dubai. It is easily accessible by metro, public transport as well as private vehicles. This makes it convenient for student groups to visit and leverage the facilities at In5 Tech.

2. Courses Offered:

In5 Tech has specially tailored courses for young students interested in robotics and automation technologies including:

  • 3D Modeling & Printing: Introduction workshop covering basics of 3D modeling using CAD software and printing models using 3D printers
  • Robotics with Arduino: Beginner level course teaching how to build and program small robots using Arduino boards
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Foundational course explaining key concepts in AI via interactive tutorials
  • Machine Learning for Teens: Tailored ML workshop using games and activities suited for teen learners
  • Underwater Robotics: Course focused on building and controlling underwater ROV robots
  • Robotics Challenge Workshops: Prep sessions for students enrolling in global robotics competitions

These short-term courses are specially crafted keeping young tech enthusiasts in mind. They try to impart theoretical foundation as well as hands-on practical experience in areas like 3D printing, Arduino kits, underwater robots etc. to fuel their passion in robotics.

3. Engaging Activities:

The courses at In5 Tech employ engaging formats like hackathons, coding challenges, prototype building workshops etc. to provide an exciting flavor of robotics for junior students. Some signature activities include:

  • Lego Robot Building: Students construct autonomous robots using LEGO Mindstorms kits and program them to navigate obstacles
  • Robotics Garage: Young innovators use parts like motors, sensors and microcontrollers to build robots from scratch
  • Artificial Intelligence Hackathon: Rapid 36 hour prototyping event to create AI bots, applications and devices
  • Underwater Drone Racing: Groups compete to build and race underwater drones in pool obstacle paths
  • Robotics Lab Tours: Guided tours of labs working on cutting-edge robotics and AI projects

Such stimulating hands-on activities spark curiosity and give junior students a platform to experiment with robotics themselves under expert guidance. They can tinker with coding programs, electronics hardware and create their own prototypes through learning-by-doing.

4. Timings and Accessibility:

In5 Tech offers dedicated batches for school students of different age groups interested in robotics. The timings and schedule is structured as below:

Junior Students (8-12 years)

  • Weekday batches: 4 PM to 6 PM
  • Weekend batches: 10 AM to 12 PM

Additionally, student groups can request customized workshops and lab tours aligned to their school’s tech programs. The location being in central Dubai with metro access adds to the convenience.

5. Registration and Pricing:

Students interested in enrolling for In5’s tech courses can register online via their website or contact email/phone. The process involves:

  • Filling out registration form with student details
  • Mentioning course(s) interested in attending
  • Making online payment for course fees towards confirmation

Students can make payments via credit/debit card, bank transfer or cash/cheque deposit. Confirmation of registration is sent out via email along with details for attending the course.


Dubai offers a thriving ecosystem for young tech enthusiasts to nurture their interests in emerging technologies like robotics. In5 Tech’s state-of-the-art facilities, tailored courses and engaging programs make it a must-visit destination for junior students keen to expand their robotics skills. The convenient location, accessible timings and reasonable pricing structure allow even school-going teenagers to get hands-on robotics exposure. Students get to learn theoretical concepts as well as work on practical projects under expert guidance.

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