
How Cloud Computing Supports Green Technology

Cloud computing is a scalable and expense platform for hosting High Performance Computing (HPC) and online applications. So far, rising demand for cloud infrastructure raises data centre energy usage.

Clouds are virtualized server farms that are supplied as subscription-based services. Server farms use a lot of energy and have substantial operating expenses. Because of the large quantities of electricity required to cool and run many servers, server farms have huge carbon footprints.

Because of energy restrictions and global climate change, data center energy use has become a serious concern. Cloud computing suppliers should invest in green technologies to save energy and save operational expenses.

The Need for Green Cloud Computing

To power and cool several internal servers, modern cloud services make large electricity supplies. A average 1000-rack supercomputer requires 10 Megawatts of electricity to run. As a result, field of telecommunications’ running costs and carbon footprint rise.

To process a growing number of high-performance computing applications and data, large servers and drives are necessary. The process has to be quick and efficient. Reducing data centre energy usage is a challenging and intricate topic.

Green and sustainable technologies have to be employed by cloud providers. Otherwise, cloud computing has the potential to significantly increase energy consumption. Cloud providers must run server farms in an energy-efficient manner to address this issue. Businesses must allocate cloud resources not just to meet SLA requirements, but also to cut energy use.

6 Cloud Features Enabling Green Computing

Virtualization and innovative cooling technologies, for example, improve server tolerance to damp and heat. Server consolidation, for example, reduces energy usage by around two-thirds. Moreover, the IT sector uses more renewable energy than any other business.

The following list highlights the main cloud computing features that allow data centre carbon emissions reduction.

1. Dynamic provisioning

Dynamic provisioning is a successful strategy for installing instances of virtual machines from a centralised console or application. In the case that a user application requires more resources, cloud providers are responsible for transferring these virtual machine instances to another host. Such installations might well be motivated by unstable application loads or the need for high service availability.

Cloud services forecast and monitor application resource demand and allocate it accordingly. Applications that demand fewer resources can be integrated on the same server. As a result, server farms can continually construction process servers based on current demand. As a result, energy usage is reduced as compared to a typical provisioning approach.

2. Multi-tenant architecture

Several instances of virtual machines can function on a single server thanks to multi-tenancy. With multi-tenant architecture, cloud infrastructure can minimise the overall use of energy and related carbon emissions.

SaaS providers employ the same infrastructure and software to service multiple companies. This technique uses less energy than installing several copies of software on various infrastructure. Moreover, firms frequently have varying demand patterns. Multi-tenancy reduces the need for infrastructure upgrades by regulating demand.

3. Server utilization

Server utilisation is a measurement of the amount that server infrastructure is used during an user requests or when other services are operating on the server. The number of requests, communication speed, the kind and size of the content, and the server design all affect usage.

On-premise infrastructure is generally incredibly underused. It can sometimes fall below 5% or 10% of average use. Virtualization, on the other hand, allows you to host and run several applications on the same server. As a result, the number of active servers is dramatically reduced, resulting in around 70% utilisation.

Servers running at higher capacity can manage more workload with the same amount of electricity. As a result, even if higher utilisation leads in higher power consumption, cloud computing might profit from it.

4. Data center efficiency

By utilising energy-efficient technologies, cloud providers may significantly improve the Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) of datacentres. Container-based server construction, power supply optimisation, and advanced water or air cooling are all part of this.

Cloud providers may significantly improve PUE and gain 40% greater power efficiency than datacentres by utilising these technologies. Moreover, by utilising virtualized services and high-speed networks, cloud computing allows companies to relocate their services to data centres with lower PUE values.

5. Applications

Several businesses are moving to cloud-based SaaS applications to save IT expenses. As cloud users, they must also consider energy efficiency at the application level. Yet, because most applications are upgraded versions of previously developed tools, the application layer receives very little attention.

To achieve energy efficiency at the application level, SaaS providers must design software on energy-efficient infrastructure. Due to the execution of software on numerous platforms and hardware, there is always a trade-off between energy and performance. Moreover, while designing future apps, software developers must utilize numerous energy-efficient programming strategies.

6. Network infrastructure

Energy efficiency in datacentres may be accomplished at the network level, either at network nodes or in switches and routers. Green networking is a description of network energy efficiency issues. These concerns are related to increasing energy awareness in design, devices, and network protocols.

Virtualization, resource consolidation, proportional computing, and selective connection are all possible options. Selective device connectivity allows a single piece of network equipment to be inactive for an extended time frame without impacting other network devices. By reuniting underused servers, resource consolidation helps to reduce worldwide consumption.


CO2 emissions from cloud computing resources are significant. Yet, cloud vendors are working diligently to improve efficiency in so many areas, including infrastructure, software, and even business models.

Use of green technologies improves carbon productivity across the economy. But, we cannot stand still; efficiency does not develop on its own. Companies must adopt new technologies with care and keep an eye on business processes and trends. Also, cloud providers must enhance their comprehension of energy flows and make consumption more visible, particularly for users.

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