
A flying taxi service could be on its way to the UAE

If you grew up watching The Jetsons or imagining about flying carpets like we did, you may not have to dream for long since interesting aviation-related news has arrived.

Archer Aviation has inked a thrilling new setup with the Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO) that can bring its air taxis to the city in as soon to be 2026, making helicopters not the only flying wonders capable of Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) in the UAE. The UAE’s General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) plans to bring a proposed air taxi service to the UAE soon is the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certifies it.

This would also make it simpler on Archer to build its first worldwide headquarters and manufacturing facilities in Abu Dhabi’s Smart and Autonomous Vehicle Industry (SAVI) Cluster. Archer also has a partnership with Falcon Aviation, a well-known player in the UAE for operating helicopters for more than two decades. Working together will bring all-electric air taxis to Dubai and Abu Dhabi, supporting the UAE’s passionate efforts to promote sustainability in all sectors.

Because we constantly updating you on traffic-related advancements on our roadways, it is exciting to learn that Archer plans to change urban transport by lowering hated commute times by up to 20% with safe, sustainable, cost-competitive air taxi services.

If you want to get a first glimpse at this revolutionary technology, make your way to the Dubai Air Show from November 13 to 17, when our neighbours will be showing Archer’s amazing Midnight, a piloted, four-passenger aircraft meant to have low charge times between flights.

While we believe in having our feet firmly on the ground, our minds are completely in the clouds as we await what is to come…

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