
Dubai Tourist Visa for All Countries – Types, Price, Rules, on Arrival

This page discusses the endorsement in your passport that grants you permission to enter Dubai, no matter whether you refer to it as a tourist or visitation visa. It is also thorough. Therefore, this piece about Dubai’s visa will be helpful to you regardless of where you are—in Pakistan, India, the UK, the USA, or anyplace else.

Visitors often arrive and leave quickly, and Dubai caters to this. You can pick from a number of different Dubai tourist visas depending on what you want to do and how long you want to spend in Dubai or anywhere in the United Arab Emirates. Nevertheless, the process for applying for a travel visa to Dubai will depend on your nationality.

Certain nationalities (enumerated below) are allowed by the UAE to get visas for Dubai at the airport. That is, if you are a citizen of one of the listed nations, you are not obligated to apply for and get a visa before departing your country.

A tourist visa for Dubai cannot be acquired in person. Someone has to sponsor you to do this. This sponsor might be a hotel, travel agency, airline, airline handler, other entity, or a citizen of the United Arab Emirates. This is due to the fact that your hosts must look out for you and act as your representative when needed while you are in Dubai or the UAE as a whole.

Dubai Tourist Visa Fee or Price

Depending on the specific visa you’ve applied for, there are differences in the price as well as processing time for UAE/Dubai tourist visas. For more information, call 800 5111 to reach the UAE’s Amer Service. Every paid transaction is subject to a surcharge known as the noqodi service fee.Your visa is part of this.

Your employer should sponsor you if you are a domestic worker on a tourist visa by filing an application for a maid visa through a MOHRE-approved operator, such TADBEER Service Centre in Dubai. The Ministry of Personnel and Emiratization is referred to as MOHRE. It should not be forgotten that working in the UAE while on a travel visa is prohibited and that doing so carries fines and/or jail time for the offending person plus their employer.

Dubai Visit Visa Rules

It is essential that your original passport—which is not a travel document—must not expiry within six months of your planned arrival date in Dubai or another UAE city. Generally speaking, if you were in the UAE on a “Visit Visa” for Dubai, which includes a tourist visa (see the section below on visa types), you have no right to work while you are in Dubai or the rest of the UAE, but you can bring in a chef to serve you.

How Do You Get A Dubai Travel Visa?

Any of the above Dubai visa types can be applied for by a hotel for you. A person can also apply for a Visit Visa, which has a 30-day limit and can be extended by a further 30-days, if certain criteria are met. A visitation or service visa (sometimes referred to as a Dubai working visa) may be applied for on your behalf by the organisation that you belong to, wherever in the United Arab Emirates.

You would need to make a reservation with the hotel if you were to obtain a visa through them. Before departing the country, it would be a good idea to select a hotel and make a reservation with them. After then, it would be up to that hotel to take care of getting your desired visa.

Dubai Travel Visa on Arrival

Citizens of countries where visas are not granted upon arrival must apply for one of the several types of visas available at the nearest UAE the Embassy, and finally through airlines, tour operators, hotels, and maybe even online, according to U.Ae. Furthermore, you can apply through the GDRFA – Dubai website.

Dubai Visa Types

There are two distinct types of Dubai visas. Here are a few of them.

a tourist visa for 30 days, renewable for a further 40 days.

A Visa for 14 Days of Service,

a 30-day visitation visa with a 30-day maximal extension

Keep in mind that you must a sponsor for you to apply for a travel visa to Dubai.

Other Countries That Can Get A Dubai Tourist Visa On Arrival

The Vatican, the United Kingdom, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brunei, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Vatican, the United States of America

Medical Advice For Tourists Traveling to Dubai

You should first be aware of the dos and don’ts in Dubai, which can result in being imprisoned if broken. Certain prescription and over-the-counter medicines are regarded by UAE authorities as illicit substances, and as that, they cannot be imported into the country without a previous permit from the Ministry of Health in the UAE.A list of restricted drugs is available on the Ministry of Health’s or UAE Interact’s websites.

Contact the customer service department of the Drug Control Department by phone at +971 2 611 7240 for more details about banned medicines and seeking authorization. Please take note that the drug will not be let into the UAE if you come without this permission and the appropriate documents, and you risk legal action under UAE law.

Exit Requirements

When they leave the UAE, visitors must have the correct paperwork. You could not be allowed to leave the country if you have unpaid debt, are the subject of a travel ban, are a kid involved in a custody battle, or are subject to legal processes.


You can learn more about the Dubai tourist visa in this post. This has also been known as a Dubai travel visa and Dubai visit visa. Information on the Dubai Service Visa, often referred to as the Dubai Working Visa, can be found in this page.

To stress an important point, nationals of all other countries who are unable to apply for a Dubai visa upon arrival must apply online, through their nearest UAE Embassy, or by way of one of the many different visa categories.

Have you come to Dubai or the UAE for a specific reason that isn’t mentioned here? Then, you can gain all the information on the kind of visa you want by calling the UAE’s Amer Service at 800 5111.

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