
Exploring the UAE Weather Forecast in Detail: Rainfall, Temperature Drops, and Fog Formation

The National Center of Meteorology (NCM) has released its latest weather predictions for the UAE over the coming days. According to the forecasts, we can expect some rainfall, drops in temperatures, and potential fog formation across different emirates. Let’s explore the key details around these weather conditions in more depth.

Rainfall Expectations and Impact

The NCM forecasts rainfall to occur mainly over eastern, northern and western areas of the UAE. This rainfall is expected from Thursday night, continuing through until Saturday. It will be important for people living or traveling in these areas to monitor the rainfall forecasts closely and plan accordingly. Having umbrellas and waterproof clothing available during this period would be advisable. The amount of rainfall is not currently specified, but it could range from light showers to heavier downpours. The NCM will likely provide more precise accumulation estimates and locations as the rainfall period draws nearer. Some people enjoy rainfall, but it can also impact day-to-day activities and the environment. Next, let’s explore some of these potential effects.

Potential impact of the rainfall on the environment and daily activities

Rainfall brings much needed water to the environment, especially in desert areas like the UAE. It allows plants and trees to hydrate, washes dust from the air, and can temporarily cool temperatures.

However, heavy or prolonged rainfall can also create flooding, especially in low lying areas. This can block storm drains and roads, disrupt transportation, and damage property.

People may need to avoid areas prone to flooding during heavy downpours. Driving conditions also become more hazardous with reduced visibility and slippery roads.

The NCM already urges drivers to keep a safe distance between vehicles, stick to speed limits, and not use hazard lights unnecessarily during rainy conditions.

On the positive side, the pleasant smell of rain in the desert and the cooling of temperatures is enjoyed by many. Overall though, people will need to take care in impacted areas until the rainfall passes.

Temperature Changes Throughout the Week

Apart from the expected rainfall, the NCM also forecasts a slight, gradual drop in temperatures over the next few days.

By Thursday and Friday, parts of Abu Dhabi could see lows of 23°C, while Dubai may range from 24°C to 25°C. Other emirates like Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain and Fujairah could also experience lows down to 23°C.

So it will turn a little cooler, which will be a welcome change for many residents during the daytime and evenings. Light jackets, shawls or karak tea may help ward off the slight chill at times.

Explanation of the slight decrease in temperatures throughout the week

Temperatures in the UAE can vary wildly, from the extreme mid-summer heat to rapid drops in winter. But why exactly is a gradual temperature decline expected over the next few days?

Weather forecasting models suggest a low pressure system could move over the region. Low pressure systems often bring a dip in temperatures along with them.

In addition, with rainfall in the forecast, the cloud cover and precipitation may prevent daytime heating and trap less warmth overnight. This subtle cooling effect from clouds and rain combines with the low pressure to edge temperatures down.

The temperature drops are only slight though, just a few degrees Celsius. So while long sleeves or a light jacket may be needed, it will remain relatively comfortable compared to winter chills.

Emphasizing the lowest temperatures expected on Thursday and Friday

As highlighted earlier, the coolest temperatures according to the NCM forecasts will likely occur on Thursday and Friday this week.

Abu Dhabi could see lows of 23°C on Friday, while Dubai may hit 24°C to 25°C. Other northern and eastern emirates could also see lows around 23°C.

With the rainfall expected to arrive Thursday night and continue into Friday and Saturday, this timeline matches up with the drop in temperatures.

So people should anticipate and prepare for the cooler conditions mid to late week. It may be wise to have some warmer clothing options available by Wednesday or Thursday morning.

The lowest temperatures also often occur in the early morning just before sunrise. So Thursday and Friday mornings could feel quite cool before warming up again later in the day.

Fog and Mist Formation Alert

In additional to rainfall and cooling temperatures, the NCM also warns of likely fog or mist development over some internal areas on Wednesday and Thursday.

When temperatures drop close to the dew point, condensation occurs, resulting in tiny water droplets suspended in the air – otherwise known as fog.

Fog can develop inland away from the moderating effects of the ocean. It also forms preferentially in low-lying spots where cooler, dense air can pool.

So valleys, depressions, and inland areas away from the coast seem most prone to fog development based on the latest NCM alerts. Residents in these areas should be prepared for visibly reduced visibility on the roads from Wednesday through Thursday.

Safety precautions and advice for drivers during foggy conditions

Fog significantly reduces visibility for drivers, so extra safety precautions are needed. The NCM and police have advised drivers to adhere to several guidelines during fog episodes.

Firstly, reduce speed considerably and leave ample distance between your vehicle and others. Since visibility distance is decreased, you will need more time to react to sudden stops or hazards.

Keeping your fog lights turned off is also recommended, as the glare can actually worsen visibility. Instead rely on low beam headlights to illuminate the roadway.

Hazards lights should only be used if your vehicle is stopped or disabled, not while driving. And always remember to avoid sudden lane changes or stops whenever possible while in dense fog.

By exercising caution, limiting speed, allowing extra distance between cars, and using low beams, drivers can navigate the expected foggy conditions as safely as possible.


In summary, the National Center of Meteorology is calling for unsettled weather across the UAE over the next few days. Rainfall is expected, especially in eastern, northern and western regions from Thursday night to Saturday. Gradual cooling will also occur, with the coolest temperatures forecast for Thursday and Friday. Parts of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and other emirates could see lows down to 23°C to 25°C. Additionally, patches of fog and mist may develop at times, requiring extra driving precautions due to reduced visibility. Residents should stay tuned to NCM forecasts for further rainfall updates and temperature predictions in your area. And remember to drive slowly and carefully if encountering foggy conditions over the next few days. While rainfall causes some disruptions, many in the UAE also enjoy the cooler conditions, fresher air, and pleasant desert petrichor smell that accompanies the wet weather.

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